Saturday, April 14, 2007

{something to think about}

So...I was looking over my old list of 100 things to do and I found a few that I had completed. So I decided to add a few more to the list and mark the ones I had done. Man - I must really get to work on this stupid paper - but I seem to find anything to do to avoid it right now!

  1. Travel to Germany
  2. Run a 10K
  3. Canoe the Juniata River
  4. Make 6 figures
  5. Travel the US in an RV
  6. Swim in the Pacific
  7. Visit Auckland, NZ
  8. Stay overnight in NYC
  9. Camp in Maine
  10. Hike the Appalachian Trail (or some parts of it)
  11. Participate in a Civil War Reenactment
  12. Have something published
  13. Own a digital Rebel
  14. Ride the Orient Express
  15. Drive the highway across Canada
  16. Visit Alaska
  17. See Mt Rushmore
  18. Take my children to WDW
  19. Swim where the ocean is clear
  20. Take a cooking class
  21. Take a photography class
  22. Own my own backdrops
  23. Get Lasik eye surgery
  24. Have and use my own vegetable garden
  25. Can in the fall
  26. Raise a huge pumpkin field
  27. Have a glass greenhouse
  28. Learn to snowboard
  29. Learn to skateboard
  30. Bike in the 50 mile fundraiser
  31. Hike in Yellowstone
  32. Stay in a size 8 for longer than a few months
  33. Learn to play the guitar
  34. Walk in the Avon Walk for breast cancer
  35. Knit a sweater
  36. Knit an afghan
  37. Plant trees
  38. Visit Mystic, Conn
  39. Stay in Providence, RI
  40. Bowl in a league
  41. Scrapbook my families’ heritage pictures
  42. Visit North Dakota and locate where my grandmother lived
  43. Travel and camp on the Skyline Drive
  44. Help with a class reunion
  45. Hold a fundraiser that reaches into the 10’s of thousands $
  46. Own a cottage on a lake
  47. Write a charity into my will
  48. Take our church youth on a mission trip
  49. Stay in Pittsburgh
  50. Visit Niagara Falls
  51. Sew my own reenacting clothes
  52. Make a crazy quilt
  53. Braid a wool rug
  54. Play the piano well
  55. Raise chickens
  56. Own 2 goats
  57. Make my own grape jelly
  58. Become a principal
  59. Have a candlelit bath
  60. Go for a picnic in a secluded spot
  61. Spend 1 evening a week without tv or a computer
  62. Stop drinking soda
  63. get a very small tattoo
  64. Sleep under the stars with my girls
  65. Have a compost bin that works
  66. Use the compost
  67. Take the train to Philly and stay the weekend
  68. Be completely debt free
  69. Travel through the Panama Canal
  70. Write a will
  71. Donate money for a college scholarship
  72. Have a personal trainer kick my butt into shape
  73. Travel to the Finger Lakes and tour the wineries
  74. Learn how to fix my own computer
  75. Bike the Gettysburg Battlefields
  76. Have a Relay for Life Team
  77. Gather all my belongings and put them in one house
  78. Learn to rollerblade
  79. Earn my PHD
  80. Stay out all night and go to work the next day as usual
  81. Spend a day at the spa
  82. Spend New Year’s Eve somewhere wild and crazy
  83. Visit Holland
  84. Own one very expensive but absolutely wonderful business suit
  85. Sew a bag or purse
  86. Sell antiques/vintage coolness
  87. Go to Mardi Gras and live it up
  88. Get my nose pierced
  89. Visit Seattle
  90. Give blood
  91. Build a cool snowman with the girls
  92. Start a savings account for someone
  93. Get a passport
  94. Sing karaoke
  95. Build a backyard skate park
  96. Paint my kitchen
  97. Buy a good sofa
  98. Collect all 50 state quarters – p and d
  99. Visit all 50 states
  100. Camp in Montana

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